
And when all seems lost

when everything seems gloomy

when everything seems done and dusted

when you're on the brink of chaos

when you're at the end of the cliff

when you think it's done,

that's when you're able to scoop all the pieces

put them back in order where they belong

just by your mere presence

not even physical presence

just being here is enough

your magnetic aura

that's when you realize you can find beauty and magic

even in any trying time

when hearts are so connected to each other,

the impossible becomes possible

we start fighting for each other

even though

deep inside we know there's nothing to fight

but just..

for the sake of our love

we could have left it there to wither

but we chose differently

we chose to fight for it

no strings attached.

no material gain.

no one to impress.

no society to care for.

no ulterior motive.



just for the pure bliss of our love

that's undoubtedly never-ending

and like that, I can keep going

keep writing but you know already all of it

cause you feel it too..